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Calibration Jig for Pressure Transducer Dead Weight Type

Calibration Jig for Pressure Transducer Dead Weight Type


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Calibration Equipment - Calibration Jig for Pressure Transducer Dead Weight Type


Dead Weight Pressure Gauge Testers are used for calibrating and standardizing pressure gauges and pressure transducers upto a pressure of 1000 bar (kg/sq.cm) Dead Weight Pressure Gauge Testers are so designed and manufactured that extremely small variations and very small pressures can be measured with great accuracy i.e. upto ± 0.1% or better. The standardizing pressure is developed by loading with standardized weights a vertically arranged ram which works in a cylinder filled with oil.. This cylinder is connected to an oil reservoir through an isolating valve. A priming pump, a pressure pump, pressure gauge adaptors etc. are also connected to the cylinder. A set of standardized weights, for the testing range of the tester, is supplied with each instrument. A set of adaptors for different sizes of pressure gauge threads is also provided along with a set of spanners, a needle puller and a screw driver.
Dead Weight Pressure Gauges Testers are offered in four models.
Range (bar)
10 0.5 – 50
5.0 – 750

Lever Type
This is very sensitive and useful for calibration of load measuring instruments like proving ring/ load cells up to maximum capacity of 2000 kg. It is Multiple Lever Loading Device, designed on a standard lever ratio, loads being given through standard dead weights. A worm gear attachment, operated through a lead screw, always keeps the loading beam in a
horizontal position. It has an accuracy better than ±0.1% Calibration jigs are available in three different capacities.
0-500kgf x 10 kgf.
0-1000kgf x10 kgf
0-2000kgf x10 kgf

Hydraulic Type
It is very simple in design and work on similar principle as that of a hydraulic press. It is a dead weight type calibration system consisting of friction free, gland less hydraulic ram, pressurised through very accurate weight system. The overall accuracy of the unit is ±0.3%. Models are available from 20kN to 2000kN.
55 5-50kN
0-500 kN
0-1000 kN
