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Flexure Testing Machine, Motorised, 4kN capacity

Flexure Testing Machine, Motorised, 4kN capacity


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Tensile Strength Tester - Flexure Testing Machine Motorised 4kN capacity


For carrying out transverse strength tests on 40 mm x 40 mm x 160 mm mortar prisms.
The equipment consists of motorised load frame with a constant rate of strain to load the specimen at the rate of 5 ± 1 kg/sec. A 4 kN proving ring is provided for measuring the applied force. The flexure test attachment consists of two supporting rollers spanned 100 mm apart, one of the rollers being self seating.
The third loading roller, also of 10 mm dia, is placed in the centre of two. All the three rollers are assembled over a base plate having two vertical side (guide) plates. A special loading adaptor is provided to be screwed at the lower side of the proving ring which sits over the loading roller.
Suitable for operation on 220 V, 50 Hz, single phase supply.

Flexure Testing Machine, Motorised, 4kN capacity

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