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Motorized Universal Gyroscope Apparatus

Motorized Universal Gyroscope Apparatus

Product Code: CHINAELABC2610008

Categories: Dynamics of Machine Lab Equipment

Tags: Motorized Universal Gyroscope Apparatus


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Motorized Universal Gyroscope Apparatus


Gyroscope torque vs processional speed.
Rotor speed vs gyroscope torque.
Determination of systems moment of inertia and nutation study.
Balancing weights: 1 lot.
Rotor speed: Upto 4000 rpm.
Precession speed: Upto 60 rpm.
Portable tachometer: 1 ea for rotor speed.
Stop watch: 1 ea for precession speed.
Steel ruler: 1 ea.

Required for operation :
230V, 50Hz, 1 phase
230V, 60Hz, 1 phase; 120V, 60Hz, 1 phase
