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Steam Nozzle Performance Apparatus with Compressor

Steam Nozzle Performance Apparatus with Compressor


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Steam Nozzle Performance Apparatus with Compressor


Visual demonstration of nozzle choking.
Determination of the effect of inlet and back pressure on mass flow rate through nozzles.
Calculation of nozzle efficiencies.
Determination of jet reaction and specific thrust at a range of inlet and backpressures.
Comparison of mass flow rate with theoretical values.
Measurement of the velocity of a jet issuing from a nozzle operating at a variety of inlet and pressure.

A series of convergent and convergent-divergent nozzles may be installed in one of two locations in a high pressure-measuring chamber.
Standard unit includes convergent – divergent ducts designed to produce at the throat and supersonic velocities downstream.
A pressure regulator, throttle valve and backpressure valve allow the airflow rate, inlet and discharge (or back) pressure to be varied.
Inlet and outlet air pressures, temperatures and airflow rate are recorded by a combination of instrumentation on the Compressible Flow
230V, 50Hz, 1 phase
230V, 60Hz, 1 phase
120V, 60Hz, 1 phase
