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100 KN Flexure Testing Machine with Auto Pacing System

100 KN Flexure Testing Machine with Auto Pacing System


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Flexure Testing Machine - 100 KN Flexure Testing Machine with Auto Pacing System


It is a state-of-the-art machine. Total control of the machine is through the key board. Entry of the pace rate either on stress or strain basis is programmed through the touch panel display. In the process of the test, readings are displayed on the digital display along with pace rate indication. Once the specimen brakes the ram retracts to its original position. The accuracy of the displayed reading is as per IS 1828 Grade I or BS 1610 Grade ‘A’. Machines can also be supplied to meet the norms of BS 1881.The system operates on 220 volts, single phase supply.

100 KN Flexure Testing Machine with Auto Pacing System

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