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Shrinkage Limit Apparatus

Shrinkage Limit Apparatus

Product Code: CHINAELABC2690094

Categories: Soil Testing Lab Equipment

Tags: Shrinkage Limit Test, Shrinkage Limit Apparatus


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Shrinkage Limit Test - Shrinkage Limit Apparatus


The apparatus conforms to IS:10077, and the test is performed as per IS:2720 (Part VI). The set consists of :-
75mm square Prong Plate made of 3mm thick acrylic sheet with three metal prongs.
75mm square Plain Plate made of 3mm thick acrylic sheet.
Stainless Steel Shrinkage Dish 45mm in dia, 15mm deep.
Glass cup with ground edge, 50mm to 55mm dia, 25mm deep.
Flexible Spatula with 80mm long, 20mm wide blade.
